Young Farmers
Congratulations to Elliott Uphoff District 11 & 12 Young Leader Discussion Meet
District 11 & 12 Young Leader Discussion Meet - This will take place on August 20, 2024. Participant meet at 5:30 P.M. and the Discussion Meet begins at 6:00 P.M. The discussion meet is located at the Champaign County Farm Bureau office. This is a great opportunity for those who have a passion for agriculture and problem solving skills!
What is the discussion meet?
The Discussion Meet is a competition promoted by the Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) State Young Leader Committee. Farm Bureau’s strength depends on its members’ ability to analyze agricultural issues and decide on solutions that best meet their needs. It is an exchange of ideas and information, about a particular topic, in which contestants must analyze problems and determine logical solutions. The competition is designed to simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each committee member.
As a leadership training and self-improvement activity, the Discussion Meet experience will:
• Stimulate logical thinking and a desire for accurate information.
• Develop a concise and direct manner of speaking.
• Improve the ability to listen.
• Aid the participant in overcoming timidity or stage fright.
• Assist the individual in giving and receiving criticism in a productive way.
• Teach the value of compromise.
• Develop leaders for effective problem solving through group discussion. Applicants build basic discussion skills, develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems.
The contest involves a moderator who introduces the topic and contestants, start the discussion and keep discussion on subject, a timekeeper to ensure this discussion is kept within the prescribed time limits and contestants who exchange ideas and information in an effort to solve the problem.
Steps of the Discussion Meet:
1. Statement of topic by moderator
2. Each participant, in voluntary order, stands and makes a 30-second maximum opening statement
3. Open discussion period (20-25 minutes, exact time to be announced at start of meet)
4. Participants are allowed 1 minute to prepare their closing statement
5. Participants, in voluntary order, stand and make a 1-minute maximum closing statement
Who is eligible to participate?
Illinois Farm Bureau ""MM," "MS," "PS," or "A" member in good standing, or spouse, on or before 7-days prior to the day of the contest, in the IAA Membership System.
Dependent member
who is not married and is between the age of 18 and 22 years and is a son or daughter of an Illinois Farm Bureau "MM," "MS," "PM," "PS" or "A" member, in good standing, on or before 7-days prior to the day of the contest, in the IAA Membership System.​
A participant may not have reached his/her 36th birthday on or before January 31, 2020
Current members of the IFB Young Leader Committee are not eligible to participate (spouses are eligible).
Any contestant who has received a fee or honorarium for public speaking is ineleigible to compete
Contestants must be actively involved in agriculture to be eligible.
Past state winners are not eligible to compete.
Employees of the Illinois Farm Bureau, County Farm Bureaus, and COUNTRY Financial are not eligible to compete.
Qualified young leaders may compete in the Discussion Meet, Achievement Award or Excellence in Ag Award in the same year; however, they may only be named the state winner in one of the contests.
• Discuss various aspects of the problem
• Discuss possible solutions
• Evaluate alternative solutions
• Project implementation of solutions