Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom offers grants of up to $300 to pre-school through high school teachers across the state of Illinois to fund projects promoting agricultural literacy in the classroom. To apply for project funding, please complete the grant application below outlining the project, goals and desired outcomes.
Projects may be, but are not limited to, agricultural teaching units, classroom presentations, and career fairs. Be creative and develop an interesting, valuable agricultural experience for your students.
Projects should focus on integrating agriculture into a variety of curriculum areas.
Priority for grants will be given to grants that contain materials for use over multiple school years.
High school ag teachers may apply with an elementary teacher if their classes or FFA Chapters are working on an agriculture literacy unit. Grants and materials must reflect an Agricultural Literacy theme or component.
Incomplete grants, or grants that request consumables, will not be considered. This grant will not fund consumable items. Funding for field trips, landscaping, plants, incubators and one time use consumables will not be granted.
In the past, grant reviewers have looked more favorably upon grants with a direct agriculture connection. Reviewers also recommend that your grant request be used in whole for a specific project rather than linked to other potential funding.
Application deadline is Friday, October 18, 2024
Teachers selected for project funding will be notified via email on or before November 8, 2024.
If selected, a Funding Agreement must be completed and signed by the teacher and building principal. The deadline to complete the form is December 6, 2024. Funding Agreements not completed by the 12/6/24 deadline will forfeit the grant.
A Final Report/Project Evaluation is due by Friday, May 30, 2025.
Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom program is offering special topic grants to teachers across the state of Illinois to award and ship the books listed below.
To apply for project funding, please complete the grant application below outlining the project, goals, and desired outcomes of incorporating the books chose. The total book value requested cannot exceed $250.00.
Projects should focus on integrating agriculture into a variety of curriculum areas.
High school ag teachers may apply with an elementary teacher if their classes or FFA Chapters are working with a specific classroom.
For accepted grants, books will be shipped directly to the teacher at their school.
The teacher will complete a Final Report by Friday, May 30, 2025.
Application deadline is Friday, October 18, 2024
Teachers selected for a book grant will be notified via email on or before November 8, 2024.
If selected, a Funding Agreement must be completed and signed by the teacher and building principal. The deadline to complete the form is December 6, 2024. Funding Agreements not completed by the 12/6/24 deadline will forfeit the grant and no books will be shipped.
A Final Report/Project Evaluation is due by Friday, May 30, 2025.
Book Grant Categories and Titles Available
Social / Emotional Learning & Agriculture
Mythology & Agriculture